Superior to conventional vertical pumps installed on improvised barges the Turbi-Float® & Centri-Float® Systems deliver the performance available from these platforms in a purpose-designed floating pump packaged system. Our modular pivoting system allows for easy installation, in-service inspection, and removal of your equipment.

The Centri-Float® lineup solves the “middle-range” of common pumping applications which include horsepower ratings through 50 including flows and heads within the capacity of popular end suction centrifugal pumps.

The Turbi-Float® product line with its multi-stage capable design extends beyond the limits of Centri-Float® models where low-flow/ high-head, high-flow low head, or both high-flow and high-head are requirements with horsepowers to 150.

Distributed Products
In addition to our manufactured Turbi-Float® and Centri-Float® product lines Canfield Custom Pump maintains the region’s largest inventory of components for conventional vertical lineshaft turbine and end suction centrifugal pumps